Carl & Rafael's RV 14A Builders Site
Aiken Airport KAIK
Previous Builds
Carl's RV 7A
Rafael's RV 12
About the RV 14
RV 14A Specifications
RV 14A Performance
Work Shop
Kit Delivery
Vertical Stabilizer - Sec. 1 thru 6
Rudder - Sec. 7
Stabilizer - Sec. 8
Elevator - Sec. 9
Rear Fuselage - Sec. 10 thru 12
Kit Delivery
Spars - Sec. 13
Main Wing Parts - Sec. 14
Ribs - Sec. 14
Wing Assembly - Sec. 14 Thru 17
Fuel Tanks - Sec. 18
Bottom Wing Skins - Sec. 20
Flaps - Sec. 21
Ailerons - Sec. 22
Aileron Control System - Sec. 23
Wing Tips - Sec. 24
Aileron Trim - Optional
Kit Delivery
Mid Fuse Bulkheads - Sec. 25
Mid Fuse Lower Structure - Sec. 26
Firewall - Sec. 27
Fwd Fuse Lower Structure - Sec. 28
Fwd Mid Fuse Side Structure - Sec. 29
Aft Fuselage Attach - Sec. 30
Fuel System - Sec. 31
Baggage Area - Sec. 32
Interior Painting - End Sec. 32
Rudder and Brake Systems - Sec. 33
Flap Actuation System - Sec. 34
Upper Fwd Fuselage - Sec. 35
Aileron & Elevator Systems - Sec. 36
Roll Over Structure - Sec. 37
Finishing Kit
Finishing Kit Delivery
Canopy and Window - Sec. 38
Seat-backs - Sec. 39
Landing Gear and Engine Mount - Sec. 40A
Wing Attachment - Sec. 41
Miscellanea - Sec. 42
Engine & Propeller Delivery
Engine Installation - Sec. 43
Spinner & Propeller - Sec. 44
Cowling - Sec. 45
Tricycle Gear Legs & Fairings - Sec. 46A
Firewall Forward
Engine Specifications
Cowl Baffle - Sec. 47
Exhaust System - Sec 48
Fuel & Oil Systems - Sec. 49
Control Cables - Sec. 50
Firewall Forward Misc. - Sec. 51
Panel & Instrumentation
Wiring & Equipment
Landing Lights - OP52
Move to KAIK & Final Ass'y
Empennage Installation
Wing Installation
Odds and Ends
Fiberglass & Body work
Weight & Balance
FAA Inspection & First Flight
Phase I & Changes
Paint Design & Painting
Scheme Designers
Glo Custom
RV Builders Forum
RV 14 Builder Sites
Builder's Location
Closing Thoughts
Picture Page
KAIK - Aiken South Carolina - Hanger 17
We are located at hanger 17 on the south side of KAIK