Empennage Kit Delivery: November 14, 2014

Thie tail kit of N947RV was delivered today (Nov. 14,2013), Hooray! This picture will give you an idea of how Vans Aircraft ships their kit. It came through the trek across the country in great shape even though the side was cracked by a fork lift. The trucking country helped us get it off the truck and into the garage. Good job all around except the delivery was 3 hours late.
- We inventoried the kit and loaded the big parts on our shelves and the hardware into labeled parts drawers
- All was accounted for although some parts were backordered
- I'm the guy in the first picture (Carl) and my partner in crime in the second picture is Rafael
- I was impressed with the fiberglass parts, they are much better than those in my RV 7
- Note the great care Van's Aircraft takes in packing the kit, good work!
- Inventory and getting the part on the shelves and into parts bins for the hardware and rivets
- 8 Hours
Note: Section 1 through 5 are general building instructions and best practices, section 6 is the vertical stabilizer