We have all the parts done for the forward fuselage completed and ready for painting. I forgot to take a picture when it was all clecoed together.
We got the sub-panel and ribs painted and have started riveting them into the fuselage. Paint turned out OK this time
Forward skin rib structure
View from the top before riveting to the firewall
The instrument panel support frame and side rail tops
Radio rack ribs
Good view showing the rudder pedals and main fuel line through the firewall
Sub panel riveted in place
Side rails pop riveted in place
Final riveting of the panel frame and radio stack frame with plate nuts riveted
Canopy bearing blocks temporarily installed to fit the top skin and match drill
Cowl hinge fits great, I like Vans hinge to cowl fastening method, it is simple, strong and elegant.
Fitting the top forward skin, all fit well with the exception of a slight gap between the side skin and the top skin. I wish Vans left little extra material here to fit a little tighter. It may work out better in the end from a painting standpoint.
Since we are not using the ejectable canopy, we split the bronze bearing in half and used it for both sides of the canopy hinge. There is absolutely no play in the hinge sit now. It was a really good solution.
We pro-sealed the forward skin in place all at once vs Vans progressive riveting solution. I will crawl inside at buck them all on my back on pillows in the foot wells.
Clecoes holding the top skin to the longerons while the pro-seal sets, we'll rivet tomorrow.