Aileron parts including the skin stiffeners, nose ribs and hinge brackets
Aileron skins after dimpling and finishing the edges
We primed the aileron and flap internal part together, the parts above are somewhere in this box
Set up for dimpling the nose skin of the aileron. It is easy to put dents in it from the opposite side if you don't keep the skin away from the bottom of the dimpling frame.
Selfie dimpling the aileron nose skin very carefully.
Taking a selfie to show the dimpling process on the aileron nose skin.
These are the some of the pulled rivets that are called out in the plans. They aren't my favorite but Van's plans warn about deformation of the leading edge using driven rivets.
There has been some issues with twisted control services, so we made sure ours were flat on the bench when we secured the trailing edge and rivet the end ribs together. It worked well.
Rafa riveting the two halves of the aileron end ribs together while the unit is weighted down on the bench.
We ran a reamer through the holes to make sure there was not any stress on the aileron.
The trailing edge of the aileron with our angle holding it straight.
Riveting the aileron counter balance tube to the aileron leading edge skin.
This is what happens when you drop a bucking bar on your toe, pretty huh!